Beer League Tribune - Article

Beer League Tribune - Article

The Beer League Tribune

It is known that Bladetech blades are used by hundreds of pro hockey players around the world. But one group of players no one talks about are the thousands of Beer Leaguers world-wide that compete for ice-cold brews and pride, sometimes 3 to 4 times a week!

Bladetech's Flex Force has helped Beer Leaguers improve their performance for years, while saving their knees so they can go to bed without pain and aren't sore for the next 3 days.

Here is a snippet from the article from Beer League Tribune.

"In speed skating, some of the skate’s blade comes off the heel to extend the length of your stride making it more powerful. This got Jeff thinking that you could do something similar in hockey. Though, the steel couldn’t extend that far and would have to be very fast since hockey is played in short bursts, unlike speed skating. So, Jeff went to work on creating a product that could move with the skate, and give an increase to performance."

Read the full Beer League Tribune Article

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